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* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We thank you, holy Father,

because every day we get to know you a little better

and we begin to discover your presence amongst us.

John the Baptist, the prophet of the desert, called for our conversion

and demanded us to assume our responsibilities.

All good prophets show us your ways,

which we have to walk through to meet you.

Thank you for so many of your witnesses, from yesterday and today,

especially for those who live near us

and have disinterestedly illuminated our search.

We are content, we are motivated,

we thought we were lost and we have found the way.

In thankfulness, we raise this hymn to your great glory.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper


Our Father, God and Lord of time and eternity,

we give you thanks for your son Jesus because through him,

by his good news and his gospel

you have given a full sense of meaning to our lives.

Thank you once again for your testimoney.

Jesus was your best prophet,

a faithful and efficient messenger like no other,

who was converted into your own word.

He not only traced your ways

but he himself walked the way

and showed us the door that leads to your house,

our final, paternal, warm and affectionate home.


Invocation to the Spirit of God


Our Lord and God, breathe into us your Spirit

and make us your prophets, not just by word

but by deeds that speak of You.

We want to live in the way your son Jesus taught us,

we want to follow the footsteps of his life.

Our ambition is to achieve

the end of the work of reconstruction of this world that he began.

We ask you to make the testimony of Jesus illuminate and guide

all those who form part of your Cburch

and every human being.

But we have to recognise that every day

new witnesses of your son rise up, good and simple people,

who shout without words that another world is possible

and they make you present in the eyes of everyone.

Thank you , Father, for so many throughout history

who have given testimony of You and fill us with hope.

Joining our voices with the voices of all of them,

and in the presence of your son Jesus, we bless your name.


Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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